TESOL英语习语教学在英语学习中很重要发表时间:2022-04-04 13:35 TESOL指出英语习语教学是学校教育中必不可少的一环。TESOL认为如果没有正确的习语学习,语言会失去很多趣味,也会失去许多价值。TESOL认为它是语言的一个重要组成部分,然而,在TESOL教学环境下,习语教学会变得非常困难。之前给你带来过五个习语,本期TESOL文章再为你带来五个习语。
TESOL习语-1. Don't judge a book by its cover- Sounds complicated, but gets simpler as and when you understand it. It simply means stop being judgmental, especially by just looking at the external of the individual. Usage- Don't judge a book by its cover Jake, she's a decent girl with a great personality. TESOL习语-2. Bite more than you can chew- This is a famous idiom that is used when a person takes up more responsibility than he/ she can carry out. Usage- John always bites more than he can chew and lands himself in trouble. TESOL习语-3. Hear it from the horse's mouth- This is a smart idiom that means to hear the news straight from the source's mouth. Usage- Wait for a while, you'll get to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. TESOL习语-4. Speak of the devil- When the person you have just been talking about arrives. Usage- Rita is such a Shopaholic. Oh! Speak of the devil and here she is. TESOL习语-5. Feeling under the weather- This idiom is used when you feel a bit low due to health reasons. TESOL简而言之,语言是一种交流形式。习语能更好的帮助你沟通。沟通是建设者,语言是他的工具。语言是一种工具,沟通是一种体验。抓住这一特点,开展你的TESOL教学,你的TESOL教学将会变得更加轻松。想了解更多,快来学习TESOL课程吧。
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